Water - Sewerage Applications
Bentley's Hydraulics and Hydrology solutions offer you the ability to implement key design, project support, network development and improvement of drinking water, stormwater and waste water distribution functions. Professionals in hydraulics and hydrology, utilities and engineering companies, rely on Bentley's solutions for:
- Smart design and safe distribution of clean drinking water.
- Detailed modeling of the operation of the system.
- Reliable construction change decisions.
- Improving response time in critical situations.
- Deliver high quality projects at reduced cost of state aid.
- Increase productivity through partnered GIS and CAD hydraulic models.

Bentley OpenFlows WaterGEMS
WaterGEMS is an advanced and easy-to-use decision support tool for professionals who design, build, and manage drinking water distribution networks.

Bentley OpenFlows SewerGEMS
SewerGEMS streamlines modeling processes to give engineers more time to design, analyze and operate sanitation systems and combinatorial sewage distribution networks.

Bentley OpenFlows CivilStorm
CivilStorm offers a user-friendly environment for engineers to analyze, design and manage rainwater networks.

Bentley OpenFlows WaterCAD
WaterCAD is a handy hydraulic modeling application for the analysis, design and operation of water networks.

Bentley OpenFlows SewerCAD
Thousands of public services and companies worldwide trust SewerCAD to design and model sewer networks, aiming to reduce capital investment.

Bentley OpenFlows StormCAD
StormCAD provides industry professionals with advanced tools for effectively designing stormwater networks to reduce construction and management costs.

Bentley OpenFlows PondPack
Effective analysis and planning of water retention and conservation infrastructures, drainage outlets and canals.

Bentley OpenFlows CulvertMaster
CulvertMaster is a very handy computing product for deploying free compression underground drain solutions for any area design or infrastructure development project.

Bentley OpenFlows FlowMaster
FlowMaster is a versatile hydraulic toolbox that allows engineers to design and analyze a wide range of hydraulic objects.

Bentley OpenFlows HAMMER
HAMMER facilitates complex procedures for identifying potential error points and defines appropriate intervention strategies.

Bentley OpenFlows FLOOD
FLOOD provides you with high quality modeling and simulation solutions to better assess flood risks and design effective flood mitigation measures.

Bentley OpenFlows WaterOPS
WaterOPS is a real-time decision support solution for more efficient management of urban water supply and water distribution.